The Salt Miner: Use Your Water Softener without Salt Contamination

Jul 26, 2018

If you live in an area with hard water, you likely have a water softener installed in your home. Water softeners were first introduced in the early 1900’s. It wasn’t until recently, however, that water softeners became more available and affordable for the average homeowner. They have also become more commonplace in commercial buildings such as hotels, restaurants, and high-tech industries.

Most individuals or businesses choose to install a water softener because the benefits they receive from it far outweigh the costs of the equipment itself. The pros of having soft water are many; increased appliance efficiency and reduced plumbing maintenance costs, just to name a few. Over the last few years, however, it has become clear that there are also some negative side effects. Especially the increased use and dispersion of salt in the environment.

Environmental salt contamination

In a traditional water softener, water is “softened” through ion exchange. Hard water containing minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, passes through a salt filled tank. The hard mineral ions are then substituted by salt ions, leaving water that is “softened”. One downside is that water softeners have a regeneration cycle in which large volumes of highly concentrated salty brine are discharged into the septic system. Over time, the salt can build up and change the soil properties. It can create impermeable leach fields and dysfunctional septic systems. High salt concentrations also make their way into groundwater. This can affect crop growth and wildlife as it makes its way into rivers, lakes, and streams.

The Salt Miner provides a cost effective solution

Once excessive salt has reached the environment, it is very expensive to remove. A cheaper way to treat the problem is by controlling the salt at its source, hence the invention of the Salt Miner.

The Salt Miner is an add-on to the traditional water softener, can be easily installed by homeowners, and is simple and cost effective to maintain. It works in conjunction with the water softener as follows:

  1. Fresh hard water is pumped into the softener where the ion exchange process occurs.
  2. Softened water gets distributed to be used as needed.
  3. The salty brine is diverted to the Salt Miner instead of being discharged directly into the septic system.
  4. Salts are removed from the water and deposited into a bucket at the base of the Salt Miner, while cleaned water is sent down the drain.
  5. The salt from the bucket is then periodically emptied into the trash or recycled.

By controlling salt at its source, the Salt Miner helps eliminate the need for banning water softeners or removing existing ones, keeping home and business owners happy while reducing environmental salt contamination at the same time. Who says you can’t have the best of both worlds?

The Salt Miner is working to REMOVE salt before it enters our wastewater system!

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