5 Reasons Why Your Home Should Have the Salt Miner

Nov 15, 2018

In today’s economy, cost-conscious homeowners are being more careful than ever with how they spend their money. Significant time and effort goes into researching and purchasing appliances. Homeowners want appliances that not only fit in the monthly budget, but promise a return on investment for the future. If you’re looking for a home water softener solution, the Salt Miner may be exactly what you need.

What is the Salt Miner?

Most traditional water softeners are salt-based; hard water passes through a salt filled tank and minerals such as calcium and magnesium are exchanged with salt ions, “softening” the water. This process DOES improve the water quality of the home, but it comes at a price. Typical water softeners result in large amounts of salty brine being discharged into septic and public water systems. This can cause environmental problems such as impermeable leach fields, and salt contamination of soils and water supplies.

The Salt Miner provides the same water softening solution but instead of discharging salty brine into the septic or wastewater, salt is extracted from the water and collected in a bin at the base of the machine. It can then be discarded or recycled appropriately.

Benefits of the Salt Miner

If preventing environmental salt contamination isn’t enough, here are a few more reasons why the Salt Miner might be a better choice for your home than a traditional water softener:

  1. Easy installation – Do you want to pay extra money for professional installation of an appliance? The Salt Miner is easy enough to install that most homeowners can do it on their own. No need to hire the services of a professional.
  2. Easy maintenance – The Salt Miner is easy to maintain and keep in working order.
  3. Low cost addition – If you already have a salt-based water softener, there’s no need to get rid of it. The Salt Miner can simply be added on to or retrofitted to the existing system.
  4. Compliance with local regulations – If you live in an area where salt-based water softeners are banned because of environmental implications, the Salt Miner is the perfect solution because it actually prevents environmental issues such as salt contamination.
  5. Versatile applications – The Salt Miner is certainly perfect for home installations. However, it can also be used for treating any brine stream, including that in industrial wastewater or food processing waste.

We’ve done the research and know that the Salt Miner is a viable home water softening solution. Not only is it easy on the budget, but is also beneficial for the environment. Contact us today to see if it’s right for you and your home.

The Salt Miner is working to REMOVE salt before it enters our wastewater system!

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