Improve the Environmental Impact of Water Softeners

Nov 4, 2020

Water softeners provide so many benefits to your customers, but you should also know that many systems produce a lot of salt pollution in the environment. In fact, the environmental impact of water softeners is putting them in a rather negative light.

Many communities are realizing that their groundwater and sewer systems – and ultimately the water treatment systems – are seeing high levels of salt. This costs a lot of time and money to remove. Some of these communities simply cannot handle these demands – and the salt typically is from water softeners or road salt.

Using salt to soften water in homes and businesses creates big problems for the environment and many municipalities are calling for water softener bans. This could create an issue for any water treatment businesses trying to provide homeowners with softened water.

What is the environmental impact of water softeners?

When residents and community officials were asked to weigh in on the problem, their biggest concerns included:

  • The salt required for water softeners
  • The salt waste draining into sewer systems and groundwater
  • Increased costs that water treatment plants have to remove salt in the water
  • Concerns for aquatic life
  • Sodium levels in water above legal limits
  • The negative impact of salt in local bodies of water in general

Some plants were concerned that they could remove contaminants but not the salt. As you can see, the environmental impact of water softeners is bigger than many people realize.

Water softener bans

Residents and communities alike are having to make hard decisions about softening water. Some communities are creating strict limits on how much salt can be wasted. Others are finding ways to reduce salt discharge and salt pollution in groundwater. Still others are considering banning water softeners altogether.

All of these options would be cheaper than the millions and millions of dollars they would have to spend on salt pollution efforts (like upgrading or building brand new expensive treatment systems) which would have severe economic and social consequences.

Another option for water softener companies

It is estimated that about 73-80% of salt pollution found in water treatment plants is from home water softeners. If your customers are considering giving up their softened water – we have a solution you may want to consider.

The Salt Miner, our retrofit add-on to any water softener, will prevent salt discharge and eliminate the need to remove an existing softener. Our product actually generates a semi-sludge that can be recycled or go into the trash. It is easy-to-install, low-cost and very simple to maintain. It can be used on any brine system and is an excellent solution to add to the benefits of any water softeners you sell or rent.

Reducing the environmental impact of water softeners is our main goal. Interested in learning more about our environmentally friendly water softening solution? Contact us and we can discuss the many benefits!

The Salt Miner is working to REMOVE salt before it enters our wastewater system!

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