The Salt Miner Blog

All About Water and Salt

Salt In The News

Read headlines from major news sources about salt pollution, treatment, effects on the environment, regulations, new technology and more…

Top 5 Water Purification Technologies

Top 5 Water Purification Technologies

Water purification is not a new thing. In fact, the use of some type of water filter to purify water has been around for 4,000 years or more, according to some estimates. What has changed, however, is the technology used to both purify water and measure...

The Salt Miner Celebrates National Water Quality Month

The Salt Miner Celebrates National Water Quality Month

Our favorite time of the year is here – it’s finally National Water Quality Month. As summer comes to a close, it’s a great time to think about how we can contribute to improved water quality in our own communities.  When we talk about clean water, we often...

Saving Water Starts at Home

Saving Water Starts at Home

The summer heat and hot, hot temps make this season the perfect time to start an effort in household water conservation. You may not think it, but you probably waste water in some way, shape or form. Our water softener add-on aims to be more eco-friendly...

Saltwater and Septic Systems – Do They Mix?

Saltwater and Septic Systems – Do They Mix?

You’ve probably heard the saying “they go together like oil and water” – meaning that two things really don’t go together at all. They simply don’t mix. So, what’s the story with saltwater and septic systems - do they go together? How does saltwater get into...

Water Reuse Plan by EPA Aligns with The Salt Miner’s Goals

Water Reuse Plan by EPA Aligns with The Salt Miner’s Goals

We know how precious our drinking water and water resources are. We see what happens in desperate countries - not enough water to spare, and polluted drinking water that kills communities. Maintaining a pure water supply is an essential goal, and new water...

Water Softener Upgrade vs. Replacement

Water Softener Upgrade vs. Replacement

If you’re one of the many Americans living in an area with hard water, you’ve probably been faced with the decision of whether or not to purchase a water softener for your home. It doesn’t take long living with hard water to notice its effects and want to do...

Benefits of Softened Water

Benefits of Softened Water

With over 85% of Americans living in an area that has hard water, it’s likely that you have hard water yourself, or at least know someone who does. What some people don’t know, however, is that hard water is not a problem that you have to live with. There...

5 Reasons Why Your Home Should Have the Salt Miner

5 Reasons Why Your Home Should Have the Salt Miner

In today’s economy, cost-conscious homeowners are being more careful than ever with how they spend their money. Significant time and effort goes into researching and purchasing appliances. Homeowners want appliances that not only fit in the monthly budget,...

The Salt Miner: Use Your Water Softener without Salt Contamination

The Salt Miner: Use Your Water Softener without Salt Contamination

If you live in an area with hard water, you likely have a water softener installed in your home. Water softeners were first introduced in the early 1900's. It wasn’t until recently, however, that water softeners became more available and affordable for the...

Is the High Cost of Salt Contamination Worth It?

Is the High Cost of Salt Contamination Worth It?

During the last century, humans have come up with many ways to utilize salt. In fact, some sources estimate there are over 14,000 different uses for this common chemical compound! Many years ago, salt’s primary use was for food preservation. Today it is used...

Salt Contamination is Threatening Water Quality Nationwide

Salt Contamination is Threatening Water Quality Nationwide

Water is necessary for all life on earth, and as humans, we rely on quality drinking water to remain healthy. We also count on good, clean water for recreational activities and irrigating crops. High-tech industries require ultra-pure water for tasks such as...

Our Planet's Water Is FINITE.

CIP It!Conserve It, Improve It, Protect It!