Salt Contamination is Threatening Water Quality Nationwide

Jun 22, 2018

Water is necessary for all life on earth, and as humans, we rely on quality drinking water to remain healthy. We also count on good, clean water for recreational activities and irrigating crops. High-tech industries require ultra-pure water for tasks such as computer chip manufacturing as well. According to recent studies, however, our nation’s fresh water sources face a salt problem.

Uses of Salt

Salt is used in many areas of the United States to solve problems and improve our lives in different ways. In the Northeast, for example, it is used on roadways in the winter to reduce the impact of ice and snow on travel. In parts of the country where hard water is common, salt is used to run water softeners in homes and businesses to combat the difficulties presented by hard water. In the Midwest, the “bread basket of America”, some salt-containing fertilizers are used to improve crop production.

Problems Caused by Salt Contamination

So, if salt has so many helpful uses, why is there a problem? Although salt is beneficial in each application mentioned above, as well as many others, it can accumulate over time and create other problems. Since it is soluble, salt makes its way into the ground and eventually, into our groundwater, rivers, lakes, and streams, ultimately affecting areas that could be a long distance away from its initial source.

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences looked at 50 years of stream water data from over 200 U.S. Geological Survey monitoring sites. The data showed that more than one third of the drainage area of the contiguous U.S. had experienced a significant increase in salinity during that time period, as well as increased alkalization of soils and water.

The effects of salt contamination have begun to show up across the country. In Flint, Michigan, for example, high salt content in the water caused lead to leach from water pipes, affecting the health of area residents. In other areas, such as El Paso, TX, salty river water has been deemed unusable and they have had to rely on water pumped from wells, yet they are becoming too salty too.

The Solution to the Salt Problem

Once the salt levels in soil and water get too high, it is very expensive to treat. The better and cheaper solution is to treat the salt problem at its source. New technology such as The Salt Miner, for example, reduces the amount of salt from water softeners that gets discharged into sewer systems, and ultimately, into the soil and groundwater.

By implementing procedures to stop the problem at its source, we can help prevent salt pollution and protect our water for tomorrow. Give us a call today to learn how The Salt Miner can help reduce your salt usage.

The Salt Miner is working to REMOVE salt before it enters our wastewater system!

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