Water Reuse Plan by EPA Aligns with The Salt Miner’s Goals

Apr 14, 2019

We know how precious our drinking water and water resources are. We see what happens in desperate countries – not enough water to spare, and polluted drinking water that kills communities. Maintaining a pure water supply is an essential goal, and new water conservation efforts are seeking to accomplish this.

What’s new in water conservation?

The EPA has a new idea – to develop a water reuse action plan. As seen in a recent article from Water World, effective use of this country’s water resources is a priority – as it should be! The EPA believes that “the Nation’s water resources are the lifeblood of our communities, and the federal government has the responsibility to ensure all Americans have access to reliable sources of clean and safe water.”

What’s the water reuse plan?

According to the article, the “Water Reuse Action Plan” will seek to “foster water reuse as an important component of integrated water resource management.” The goal is to reuse water and conserve wherever we can, using whatever responsible means we can. There is currently a larger effort by the Administration to “better coordinate and focus taxpayer resources on some of the Nation’s most challenging water resource concerns, including ensuring water availability and mitigating the risks posed by droughts.” We know how crucial conservation is in this state, and we have seen what happens when our water runs low.

How can we conserve water now?

If you, too, are concerned about water conservation, some of your choices at home can make a positive difference. The amount of water you use, when you use it, and what types of water appliances and systems you install can support these efforts. This is especially true with water softeners.

Reduce water waste with The Salt Miner

During the process of softening water, many water softeners have a regeneration cycle in which large volumes of highly concentrated brine are discharged into the septic system. This affects water resources and also accounts for a LOT of wasted water down the drain. By adding the Salt Miner to your water softener, you can control the salt at its source. The briny discharge is diverted to The Salt Miner, rather than into your septic system. It’s an innovative and eco-friendly option well worth adding to your home. Now it’s possible to reduce salt discharge and wasted water, as well as save the water we do have! If we all make a few changes, we can see better outcomes, even before the plan takes place.

Changes are necessary – are you ready to help?

The Salt Miner is working to REMOVE salt before it enters our wastewater system!

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