Pros and Cons of Salt-Based Water Softeners

Pros and Cons of Salt-Based Water Softeners

Choosing to invest in a home water softener is a smart decision if you live in an area that is known for hard water. And, for California residents, that includes the majority of the population! Not all residential or commercial water softeners are created equal,...
Protect Your Groundwater With the Salt Miner

Protect Your Groundwater With the Salt Miner

September 1st is Protect Your Groundwater Day!  Water is one of the most important substances on earth.  Every living organism needs water to survive. So, it makes sense that we would want to protect our water systems!  Protect Your Groundwater Day was established to...
Environmental Effects of Water Softeners

Environmental Effects of Water Softeners

If you’ve ever lived with hard water, you know it can have many negative effects on different things throughout your household. Dishes and silverware have water spots, there is scale buildup on showers and tubs, and plumbing can become clogged. On the other hand,...
Salt Pollution and Plant Growth: The Shocking Truth

Salt Pollution and Plant Growth: The Shocking Truth

We all know that water softeners can save us time and money. They protect our homes and property, prolong the life of our appliances and have health benefits. They’re also a great way to save energy. Water softeners work by using salt to replace hard water minerals....
Do I Need a Water Softener Upgrade?

Do I Need a Water Softener Upgrade?

Quality, maintenance, and average use are the main factors that affect how long a water softener lasts. Based on these aspects, the average softener lasts 10 to 15 years. It’s great that both commercial and residential users don’t need to replace this beneficial item...
The Future of the Water Softener Market

The Future of the Water Softener Market

As of right now, the Global Water Softener Market sits at almost 8 billion. By 2025, it is expected to grow to almost 11 billion. Specifically, commercial softeners will gain 4.5% overall growth. That’s a ton of growth in a very short time! Innovative new...