The Salt Miner Blog

All About Water and Salt

Salt In The News

Read headlines from major news sources about salt pollution, treatment, effects on the environment, regulations, new technology and more…

Understanding the Importance of Protecting Wastewater

Understanding the Importance of Protecting Wastewater

When you think of environmental conservation, does protecting wastewater come to mind? Probably not, but it should! The water we use on a daily basis plays a significant role in life as we know it. Without it, life would be very different. And since there’s...

Top 5 Water Purification Technologies

Top 5 Water Purification Technologies

Water purification is not a new thing. In fact, the use of some type of water filter to purify water has been around for 4,000 years or more, according to some estimates. What has changed, however, is the technology used to both purify water and measure...

Environmental Effects of Water Softeners

Environmental Effects of Water Softeners

If you’ve ever lived with hard water, you know it can have many negative effects on different things throughout your household. Dishes and silverware have water spots, there is scale buildup on showers and tubs, and plumbing can become clogged. On the other...

Salt Pollution and Plant Growth: The Shocking Truth

Salt Pollution and Plant Growth: The Shocking Truth

We all know that water softeners can save us time and money. They protect our homes and property, prolong the life of our appliances and have health benefits. They’re also a great way to save energy. Water softeners work by using salt to replace hard water...

Do I Need a Water Softener Upgrade?

Do I Need a Water Softener Upgrade?

Quality, maintenance, and average use are the main factors that affect how long a water softener lasts. Based on these aspects, the average softener lasts 10 to 15 years. It’s great that both commercial and residential users don’t need to replace this...

The Future of the Water Softener Market

The Future of the Water Softener Market

As of right now, the Global Water Softener Market sits at almost 8 billion. By 2025, it is expected to grow to almost 11 billion. Specifically, commercial softeners will gain 4.5% overall growth. That’s a ton of growth in a very short time! Innovative new...

Groundwater Awareness Now and In the Future

Groundwater Awareness Now and In the Future

There are 785 million people living without access to safe water. Unfortunately, this number is increasing due to the steady pollution of our groundwater. March 8th kicks off Groundwater Awareness Week and it’s never been more critical to pass along the...

Salt Water Series Part 2: Is Drinking Soft Water Harmful?

Salt Water Series Part 2: Is Drinking Soft Water Harmful?

For those joining us in Part 2 of our series, the goal of our Salt Water Series is to address consumer inquiries and concerns about water softeners and the effects they have on the water they use daily.  The Salt Miner is dedicated to providing clear answers...

Salt Water Series Part 1: How Much Salt Is In Our Drinking Water?

Salt Water Series Part 1: How Much Salt Is In Our Drinking Water?

Consumers have many practical questions about water softeners and how they affect home and health both positively and negatively. Here at The Salt Miner, we are tackling these queries so that a greater understanding can be reached by all related parties, and...

Don’t Miss the Latest in Water Technology

Don’t Miss the Latest in Water Technology

Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves and by considering giving your business to The Salt Miner, you have the opportunity to do just that. By joining the professionals at The Salt Miner you will contribute to a healthier...

Are You Ready To Be a Water Warrior?

Are You Ready To Be a Water Warrior?

What is the best part about the drought being over? Duh, it’s over! But the worst part about the drought being over, is also that it’s over. After more than seven years in an official state of drought, it should be celebrated that California is no longer...

A Homeowner’s Guide to How a Water Softener Works

A Homeowner’s Guide to How a Water Softener Works

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, approximately 85% of the United States has hard water. With numbers like that, it’s no surprise that so many people choose to have a water softener. Before you decide to install one in your own home, let’s take a look...

How Can Water Softener Salt Harm the Environment?

How Can Water Softener Salt Harm the Environment?

Hard water is an issue in the United States. In fact, some statistics estimate that approximately 85% of households in the U.S. have hard water. This has caused home water softeners to become popular as a method of dealing with the negative effects of hard...

Our Planet's Water Is FINITE.

CIP It!Conserve It, Improve It, Protect It!